Kimono - Kimono Show

October 17 - November 16, 2014

Gallery Hours: Wednesday through Saturday 1- 6:30 PM
Sunday 1 - 5 PM

'Kimono Culture'

The Kimono is a traditional Japanese garment. In addition to the display of kimonos made in Japan, onetwentyeight artists were invited to create works using the kimono as inspiration. Origami, paintings, 3-D, and photographs will be shown. Sol LeWitt’s Wall Drawing 731 remains quietly and beautifully together with the artists' works in this breathtaking group show.

D Fenn, Kaitlin Martin, Kazuko Miyamoto, Lael Marshall, Mieko Craig, Maxwell Stevens, Nami Mo, Né Né, Sarah Katz, Sanae Maeda-Buck, Toki Osaki, Yuko K. Rob van Erve, Haruko Mochimaru, Tatsumi Hizikata, Jesper Haynes... ...

128 Rivington St.
(bet. Essex & Norfolk)
NYC, NY 10002
212 674 0244

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