Sotaro Yamamoto

December 4 - 15, 2012

Gallery hours : Weds-Sat 1-7PM Sun 1-5PM

"Nice to meet you. My name is Sotaro Yamamoto. I was born in 1949 and grew up in a small town of Nishio city, Aichi prefecture which is in the middle of Japan as you can see on the map. By luck in this year I managed to have a solo show at Gallery Onetwentyeight. I majored in design at the art department of Nippon University. Upon my graduation, I was employed by a commercial design company. Seven years ago, I left the company, and became a free person to concentrate on painting and illustration. Last year, I took a trip to Katmandu, Nepal to sketch. After I returned to Japan in Spring, I made a solo show of these sketches and I worked on ideas I kept alive for years. Fortunately I now have this opportunity to show them in New York.

The theme of the show is 'MYO' ...Strange People. They are ink on paper.

I have been dreaming of New York. My wish that someday I could make a solo show there has become stronger and stronger. My dream came true this time. I thank all the people who helped to realize this show including the owner of Gallery Onetwentyeight, Kazuko Miyamoto."

128 Rivington St.
(bet. Essex & Norfolk)
NYC, NY 10002
212 674 0244

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